It has also made me reflect on how far we have come and how incredibly lucky we are in the context of life after a severe brain injury. And really we are very, very lucky.
A couple of weeks ago we had a joint settlement meeting with the insurers of the driver who hit Jake and, aside from some contractual bits and bobs we have hopefully reached an agreement that will allow us to get on with our lives. All being well we go to court in February and then we can put what has been a deeply unpleasant legal process behind us. I am not blind to the fact that many people in our situation face an uncertain financial future on top of the daily challenges a severe brain injury brings, so in this, we are certainly lucky.

This Christmas was so wonderful, particularly in contrast to two years ago, when I spent Christmas day alone, sitting by Jake's bed in intensive care. This year was just as it should be, with presents, family, food and plenty of laughter. Boxing day saw us back in St Albans celebrating Jake's Mum's 80th Birthday with his family, another wonderful day. We are so lucky to have two such supportive and caring families.
But most of all, we are lucky to have a future together that, in spite of all that has happened, is filled with choices and possibilities and this is what I wish for Michael Schumacher and all brain injury survivors and their families. Hope goes up eventually so long as you remember that not all luck is chance, as Thomas Jefferson said “I'm a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it". Despite having a mountain to climb Jake works hard every single that's lucky!